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Grace Bowers on B.B. King's "The Thrill Is Gone" | Hooked
Grace Bowers on B.B. King's "The Thrill Is Gone" | Hooked

The blooming Nashville guitar ace details how a single bent note caught her ear, unlocking a masterclass in blues from one of the genre's groundbreakers.

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Photo by Joseph A. Rosen

The guitar legend passed away after a battle with cancer Tuesday at the Williamson Health hospital in Franklin, Tennessee, according to his wife, Deed Abbate.

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Katy Guillen on John Lee Hooker's "Baby, Please Don’t Go" | Hooked

The simmering indie rocker identifies with the fierce darkness and stirring rawness felt in the Delta bluesman's acoustic rendition.

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Real Estate on Elliott Smith's "Condor Ave" | Hooked

Martin Courtney explains how the acclaimed indie songwriter's use of major-7th chords, "Beatles-y melodies," and fine-touch fingering subtleties laid out a storytelling blueprint.

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Crown Lands on Rush's "A Farewell to Kings" | Hooked

Guitarist Kevin Comeau details how his mind was blown by Alex Lifeson's playing dynamics that were both medieval and melodic, while also revealing the peculiar chord he lifts from their stash.

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