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Gear Awards

A streamlined but luxurious and classy and fast shred machine at a price that’s easy to stomach.

Excellent metal sounds in a no-frills package that feels fancy.

Some guitarists might need more sonic variety than what you can get from a single bridge pickup.


ESP M-1001


Whether it’s George Lynch’s tiger-striped guitar, James Hetfield’s Truckster and Snakebyte signature models, or Kirk Hammett’s Mummy andV-shaped axes, ESP has never shied away from making bold visual statements. That style helped make the company among the most visible and important guitar brands in the metal landscape. But ESP’s ongoing relevance is also about building guitars that make players feel like their fingers are flying and detonating sticks of dynamite.

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Photo by Joseph A. Rosen

The guitar legend passed away after a battle with cancer Tuesday at the Williamson Health hospital in Franklin, Tennessee, according to his wife, Deed Abbate.

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This lightweight and compact acoustic amp will keep your guitar’s organic signal intact, and at a fair price.

Preserves authentic signal with accuracy. Wide dynamic range. Very portable. Affordable.

Balance between gain and master can be sensitive. Chorus effect is limited.


Fishman Loudbox Micro


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Gibson’s Falcon 20

Mesa/Boogie-built updates of two classic combos add boutique amp control and character to stellar vintage sounds.

Reimagines a classic small combo while adding modern clarity and punch to vintage tones. Power scaling is a plus for at-home and small-venue players.

Might not appeal to guitarists seeking a wider variety of sounds. Tremolo could use more range and is noisy at highest depth settings.


Gibson Falcon 20


I love old science fiction and horror movies, and one of my favorites is The Fly, both the Vincent Price and Jeff Goldblum versions. The premise: A scientist developing a teleportation machine accidentally steps into its chamber with a fly inside, and their genetic material gets blended. Mayhem ensues.

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A medium-high-gain overdrive that gives you room to move between fat boost tones and fuzzier fare.

A powerfully heavy but also surprisingly subtle and versatile distortion pedal. Great dynamics and articulation.

Some noise at higher gain settings.


EarthQuaker Devices Zoar


What’s in a name? In dubbing their latest “Zoar,” maybe the pedal pushers from Akron, Ohio, are referencing the falcon from Masters of the Universe. More likely, they are referring to the communal village in Ohio named for the Biblical hamlet spared during the Old Testament razing of Sodom and Gomorrah. Maybe it’s just EarthQuaker Devices’ idea of the kind of ominous name a chunky medium-high-gain distortion should have. The latter scenario isn’t out of the question. It becomes clear pretty quickly that the name totally suits this teal, hammer-finished machine. Yet the Zoar is more than a tool for aggression. It’s a dynamic device that straddles both sides of the distortion/fuzz fence and achieves great touch sensitivity via a discrete transistor-based circuit.

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