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Illustration courtesy Singlecoil

This blendable passive system might be your single-coil solution.

Hello and welcome back to Mod Garage. This year, the Fender Stratocaster is celebrating its 70th birthday. Happy birthday, and all the best for your next 70 years! To celebrate, I chose a Strat as our guinea pig for this month. But everything we are talking about applies to all single-coil-equipped guitars.

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Photo by Joseph A. Rosen

The guitar legend passed away after a battle with cancer Tuesday at the Williamson Health hospital in Franklin, Tennessee, according to his wife, Deed Abbate.

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Bryan’s abstract representation of low-end compression.

Here’s a quick guide on how to compress your kick drum and bass guitar in a way that will help you make the most of the bottom in your mixes.

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Bryan’s MIDI-based ’board.

The ability to MIDI-enable your pedalboard and convert audio to MIDI using plugins or software adds a whole new level of experimentation and creativity for guitarists.

In 1983, music had a banner year: U2’s War, the Police’s Synchronicity, Metallica’s Kill ’Em All, Stevie Ray Vaughan’s Texas Flood, Talking Heads’ Speaking in Tongues, and ZZ Top’s Eliminator were all released (to name but a few). It was also the year MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) was unveiled, and saying that it forever changed the musical landscape is an understatement. Until very recently, guitar-oriented manufacturers had never taken advantage or expanded on MIDI possibilities.

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The passive treble and bass control wiring.

Illustration courtesy of SINGLECOIL (

Want more tone control from your guitar? A passive 2-band EQ might be the solution you’re looking for.

Hello and welcome back to Mod Garage. In past columns, we’ve discussed improving passive tone controls by doing things like changing tone caps (smaller capacitance for a “warmth control”), using different tapers and pot resistance values, installing treble-bleed circuits, etc. But let’s take it one step further, this time converting traditional passive tone control into a kind of double-EQ control set.

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