pedal builder

Building the StewMac Lightcycle Phasor II | PG DIY
PG DIY: Building the StewMac Lightcycle Phasor II

The StewMac Lightcycle is an optical-phaser pedal kit based on the Mu-Tron Phasor II. This stomp features deep functionality with depth, rate, and feedback controls, plus a pair of internal controls for intensity and sweep settings as well as a true bypass switch. Committed lifelong phaser fan, aspiring pedal builder, and PG’s senior editor, Nick Millevoi, gave this build a try.

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Can You Build a Pedal with No Experience? | PG DIY

PG's Nick Millevoi builds his own pedal using the StewMac Sun Fuzz Pedal Kit, StewMac tools, and their step-by-step instructions, proving even a novice can be up to the challenge, with a little help from StewMac's customer support!

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G.S. Wyllie, who designed the pedal on the right, inspired Putro to improve his own enclosure creations.

After feeling inspired to make inventive pedal enclosures, our columnist met a blacksmith who lent him unique guidance in the process.

I’ll never forget this comment on my Instagram video of me making a sand-casting aluminum enclosure on one of my pedals: “Dude are you serious? Holding melted aluminum more than 1000 degrees Fahrenheit and only wear short pants and flip flop? if it blown you die.” Well, at Sehat Effectors, we make our own enclosures, but there’s another builder who makes sand-casting enclosures, G.S. Wyllie, who inspires me. The first time I saw Wyllie’s Moonrock Fuzz pedal online, I said to myself, “I have to make pedals as cool as that.” For years, I’d always thought about interesting and distinctive enclosure designs to create on my own, but always ended up with the question, “How?” One day, out of the blue, the universe answered me, guiding me to the right person. I was introduced to Mr. Yanto, a skilled traditional blacksmith in my hometown of Yogyakarta.

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