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Keith Urban - March '17 Ex. 4

Micah Blue Smaldone

Photo by Matthew Robbins

Our columnist asks his favorite acoustic players how their hometowns, new and old, have changed the music they make.

As musicians, we tend to put most of our mental energy into the “next thing”: that next song, show, tour, or piece of gear. The beauty of music-making is that there is always somewhere new to go, but it’s also important to remember that we all came from somewhere. In this column, I connect with some excellent acoustic players about the places that shaped their playing and their craft, where they started and where their music has taken them.

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Featuring analog circuitry, stereo reverb, and tweakable cabinet simulation, this pedal is perfect for direct PA or DAW use.

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Photo by Daniel Bergeron

An exclusive excerpt of the legendary engineer and guitarist rapping about the guitarists he was most excited to hear.

When I spoke to recording engineer, Shellac guitarist, and Electrical Audio proprietor Steve Albini for our April cover story, we mostly covered his personal recording techniques, with some extra space allotted for the details of his iconic guitar rig. Albini, who passed suddenly not long after the issue went to print, was generous and forthcoming on all fronts.

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