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Axes & Artifacts

La Bella Olinto Short Scale P Demo | NAMM 2023

La Bella debuts its first short-scale bass.

Photo by Joseph A. Rosen

The guitar legend passed away after a battle with cancer Tuesday at the Williamson Health hospital in Franklin, Tennessee, according to his wife, Deed Abbate.

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In this episode we spotlight an iconic cowboy guitar that has DeArmond single-coils and we hear it through an early ’60s blonde head piggybacked on an unusual 1x15 cab.

Think you know Gretsches? Gruhn Guitars’ Lloyd Nicely will teach you a thing or two in this episode of A&A spotlighting a ’57 6120 with DeArmond single-coils and a weird detachable budget vibrato piece once offered to customers who couldn’t afford the Bigsby upgrade. And we get to hear it all through an early ’60s blonde Bassman piggybacked on an unusual 1x15 cab.

Axes & Artifacts: 1955 Fender Stratocaster and '59 Fender Deluxe

In our second installment, Gruhn Guitars’ Greg Voros shows and tells us about two rare ’50s Fenders—a tweed Deluxe and a Strat with Bakelite parts—while PG’s John Bohlinger mesmerizes us with stellar playing on these fascinating pieces.

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In the debut episode of our new video series, Gruhn Guitars' Greg Voros gives us the lowdown on an ultra-rare guitar and amp, while John Bohlinger demos their luscious tones as only he can.

When it comes to vintage guitars, few places on earth can even hope to compete with the expertise and inventory of George Gruhn’s mainstay shop in Nashville. Gruhn's Guide to Vintage Guitars is one of the most referenced books you can find on the subject, and the crew at Gruhn Guitars is second to none at the history, inspection, certification, repair, and upkeep of fine guitars. They’ve also got a pretty stellar collection of vintage amps. So stellar, in fact, that we’ve decided to partner with Gruhn Guitars to give you an opportunity to hear notable guitars and amps from their collection, as played by Premier Guitar’s own John Bohlinger, as well as to learn what makes the rare specimens special from repair shop manager Greg Voros. So without further ado, we give you the debut of our latest video series, Axes & Artifacts.